Customer expectations
Now that consumers have experienced the service offered by the likes of Amazon, Uber, and Apple, they have sharply raised their standards. They now want their experience in their doctor’s office to match the way they are treated in a high-end retail store.
They expect a Yellow Cab to offer the same easy payment as Uber. They want companies to be available 24-7 on the platform of their choice, to remember them and their preferences, and to offer a single point of entry for everything the company has to offer. They want the world, through whatever channel they choose, and they want it now. Speed and convenience are becoming paramount; and business practices that seemed immutable just a few years ago—even something as basic as needing to bring a check to the bank to deposit it—are being challenged and overturned
We leverage service operations
Operations isn’t about technology. It’s really about processes, coordination, and a deep understanding of customer needs and how to fulfill them. But for most businesses, and certainly all large businesses, the kind of service customers now demand—always-on, consistent across platforms, highly customizable—simply would not have been possible until a decade or so ago.
With current levels of technology, however, a whole new level of efficiency, consistency, customer convenience, and data capture becomes possible. Adds2marketing makes organizations deliver consistently across locations and geographies, customizing their offerings for multiple demographics. And of course, once a new level of service to internal and external customers becomes possible, it quickly becomes obligatory.
Service has become far more important to businesses.
What this means is that service—including service operations— has become much more a matter of strategy. Service capabilities are no longer a matter of satisfying inelastic customer demand at minimum cost. Instead, they are becoming an increasingly important part of core corporate activities, a way of engaging and understanding an increasingly fickle market in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Our marketing strategies revolve around the need to think not just of the quality of the service to provide, but the quality of the customer experience that surrounds it.
The back office of tomorrow will be radically different from today’s model, and service operations leaders can look forward to a few years of running as fast as they can just to stand still, because the price of falling behind could be disastrous. The future holds profound implications on the labor force both in size and skills, as digital, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) become main-stream within operations across industries. Still, today offers unique opportunities to companies ready to rise to the occasion.
What customers want is evolving rapidly, and though powerful tech tools have been created, they mostly have not yet been woven into the kind of productized solutions that will eventually help level the playing field. In the meantime, you can achieve real advantage, not necessarily by perfecting their service offerings overnight, but by maintaining a consistent lead over their competitors.
How Addss2marketing can move you in the right direction:
Harness the power of the opposite – Seek ways to reduce hassles, reinvent ways of doing work and simplify across the enterprise
Cash-in the data dividend – Make operational data an early warning indicator for the enterprise, and leverage information in ways that re-define work
Transform customer experience to strengthen brand – We let you distinguish yourself through service excellence in a multi-channel, digital enabled world.
Enable 5X “word of mouth” – We build flexibility to beat uncertainty – Design processes for speed, agility and rapid reaction to changing market conditions
Do more with less – we strive for 10x – We make you achieve highest levels of service and work efficiently using the most effective set of resources across customer facing and central functions.
Turn processors into high performance servicers – It's all about the workforce – where necessary we assist in hire, train, develop and retain.